Wales, U.K. | Going Public internship

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A Going Public internship is an opportunity for 18-25’s to explore their call to follow Jesus. Serve alongside Glenwood Church, and make an impact in the local community in the Welsh capital city of Cardiff. Experience growth as you make adjustments to your lifestyle in order to spend time being in the presence of Jesus and learning from him. You can expect rhythms of prayer (taking time out in an intentional prayer space, and on pilgrimage days across Wales), hospitality (using your gifts creatively alongside others to serve the local community), and community (being a part of Glenwood Church, serving within a team, gathering around tables and campfires). Become grounded in Biblical truth, helping you understand your role in God’s mission, and preparing you to lead. 


Gain experience in a whole host of areas alongside British and expatriate youth. Areas of service include youth or children’s work, community work, social action, teaching and facilitating, sports ministry, or creative arts. Develop skills and explore new gifts, grow in knowledge, be challenged, strengthen faith, engage in personal reflection, and be missional for the kingdom and for the world. 

  • Choose from among a variety of ministry placements working for Glenwood Church and its charities. You will help to bring God’s transforming power to the communities you serve. This part of the internship will be tailored upon application. 
  • Meet with an assigned, trained mentor who will be a more mature Christian from Glenwood Church. They will help you reflect on your learning and experiences, ensure you’re doing okay in all areas of your life, and take you out for coffee when you just need a break! There is potential to develop a close relationship with your mentor, and to learn from one another as you share your lives and experiences.

All long-term and short-term missionaries engage in Launch, EMM’s discipleship training course, before and during their assignments. Phase one of Launch includes personal discipleship activities through online modules. For phase two of Launch, participants spend two weeks at the end of June learning alongside their Launch cohort (a group of others preparing for service) before heading to their outreach locations. In phase three of Launch, workers continue to connect online with their Launch cohort for up to a year as they navigate ministry in their country of service.

Wales is a stable, semi-autonomous country in the United Kingdom. As such, some areas such as health and education are governed by the Welsh Assembly Government, and others are governed by the U.K. Parliament in Westminster. Wales is a lovely place, rich in language, music, sports, and history, with more castles than any other country in the world. Cultural values and norms are significantly different from the U.S., especially in areas of family values, sexual morality, and attitudes to alcohol and drugs. The south of Wales is characterized by verdant hills and valleys and dotted with small villages and towns. It is also one of the poorest areas of the U.K., with second- and third-generation unemployment. Many people live off benefits. The Welsh capital, Cardiff, is also located in south Wales. Cardiff is a multicultural city and a disbursement location for refugees and asylum seekers. The capital also includes several universities, attracting many international students. As with much of the rest of the U.K. and Europe, the spiritual climate is post-Christian.

Supervisors and colleagues
This intern will be guided by EMM staff during phase one of Launch. They will have peer accountability and support through their Launch cohort throughout the second and third phases. During phase three, while in Wales, they will be accountable to the internship leaders and to EMM long-term workers Alan and Carol Wert.

Skills and experience
Applicants must be high school graduates. They should come with teachable spirits, ready to learn and grow, and open to the surprising differences between cultures we assume are very alike! The Going Public internship is for young people in the 18–25 age range. U.S. participants will need to go through a visa application process which will be advised by Going Public.

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