Prayers answered

Left: Biak (top center) explains a point while assisting his aunt in teaching a “Disciples Making Disciples” lesson.
Right: Bpaa Nong (right) and Biak (second from right) in the family songteow truck with the EMM Board of Directors, who visited in October. 
Bottom: Bpaa Nong (left) and Biak (seated) receive Bibles and songbooks following their baptisms, in April. 

Meet Biak, a 41-year-old, single man from Det Udom, Thailand. Years ago, his aunt (Mae Banchong) became a Christian. Through her and others, he heard the gospel over the years. During one season, his family even hosted several short-term mission workers. But Biak remained a committed Buddhist. An intelligent man who likes to learn, he explored aspects of Christianity at times, but he was not convinced … until 2024.

Like many Isaan young people, Biak had moved to Bangkok over a decade ago for work. He had a good job there and was doing well, until he developed a lung infection which landed him in the hospital in December 2023. By the time he saw the doctor, the infection was quite serious. He was admitted to an isolation room in the ICU. As his condition grew worse, his mother, Bpaa Nong, and her younger sister, Mae Banchong, traveled from Det Udom to Bangkok to see him.

Since Biak was in an isolation room, they had to visit through a heavy glass window and communicate using a telephone. The doctor told the visitors that if they returned home as planned the next day, they would miss Biak’s last days. Mae Banchong encouraged Biak that Jesus was truly his only hope.

That night, Bpaa Nong and Mae Banchong spent the night in urgent prayer. Bpaa Nong was not yet a believer, but she was desperate. Back in Ubon province, many Life Enrichment Church (LEC) believers were also fervently praying.

Biak himself was not able to think very clearly at that point, but he recalls thinking, in a general sense, of Jesus. That night, he dreamed of a large dark figure descending on him to take him from his bed. Suddenly, Biak was surrounded by bright light and the figure was driven away. The next morning, the doctor reported that Biak’s condition had improved, and he was past the dangerous stage!

Biak was eventually released from the hospital and returned to Det Udom for recovery. Though his lungs were much improved, his body was thin and weak from two months in a hospital bed. He worked at his home therapy, but progress was slow. Biak’s aunt continued to visit him and share about Jesus, encouraging him to believe and accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

At long last, Biak chose to believe in Jesus and be baptized on Easter Sunday, together with his mother. At that point, he still could not walk on his own nor do much to care for himself. In the month following his baptism, Biak quickly gained physical strength and the ability to walk. When he went for a follow-up appointment, the doctor did not believe how good his lung X-ray looked and ordered a second X-ray (which showed the same thing)!

With lots of time on his hands as he continued to recover, Biak dove into the Bible. He started asking his aunt questions that she wasn’t always sure how to answer! His sharp mind and earnestly seeking heart found a rich spiritual buffet to feast on in God’s word. As the months progressed, he began having opportunities to do ministry alongside others. Recently, he prepared the Scripture study at a worship gathering in which our daughters were present. They reported it was one of the clearest Bible studies they had ever heard.

Please pray for Biak as he continues to find his way as a new believer. A couple of months ago, he started joining my husband, Mark, and a church leader named Lek for weekly evangelism. He also accepted the role of assisting the LEC secretary. Pray that the Lord will continue to be glorified in Biak’s life and also make the way clear regarding future employment.

Sarah Schoenhals, her husband, Mark, and their daughters serve with EMM and VMMissions in Thailand. 

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