November 2022 Mission Intercessor
1 (Tues.) Global
Pray for William Higgins who is currently in Tanzania at a national gathering of Kenyan and Tanzanian leaders. Pray for God to speak through him as he helps to lead devotionals and for good interactions with the leaders. Pray also as he continues to teach the Vietnamese Mennonite Church on Monday evenings.
2 (Wed.) Czech Republic
Join us in praying that God might send workers to be part of a church planting team in the Czech Republic.
3 (Thurs.) Thailand
Advance Global participant Bekka Zehr, is training in the discipleship school with VidaNet in preparation for her outreach in Thailand. Pray that this would be a time of deep spiritual growth.
4 (Fri.) Thailand
Pray for all those who are currently attending the Southeast Asia retreat being held in Thailand. Pray for times of refreshment and resourcing for both the adults and children.
5 (Sat.) Tanzania
Pray for Joe and Yvonne Garber as they serve as LMC international partner delegates to the Tanzania Mennonite Church. Pray for the church as well as they seek to enter new mission fields and develop leaders.
6 (Sun.) U.S.
Pray for insight and discernment as we consider how to best engage young adults in missions, both locally and abroad.
7 (Mon.) Cambodia
Pray for John and Debbie Coats who are currently in the U.S. Pray for safety in travel and meaningful connections with family and supporters.
8 (Tues.) Costa Rica
Pray for Tanner Eshleman, who is currently in the discipleship school with VidaNet. Ask God to use this to expand his heart to see Him glorified in the nations.
9 (Wed.) U.S.
Pray for Angie Earl as she volunteers with the Christian-Muslim Relations Team. Pray for the deepening of relationships that Angie has developed with those of other faiths. Pray for boldness to share of her hope in Christ.
10 (Thur.) U.S.
Remember EMM staff today as we celebrate God’s provision on a day inspired by the biblical festival called Sukkot. This practice involves looking back and celebrating God’s abundance in the past year.
11 (Fri.) Belize
Pray for the churches in Belize to be an example of unity and Christ’s love to their neighbors. Pray for Tim and Julie Groff as they support and mentor leaders in their community.
12 (Sat.) Czech Republic
Praise the Lord for a good visit to the U.S. over the summer. Pray for Jan Heindel as she plans and discerns the things she should be involved in this fall. Pray along with her for other female leaders to help with girls’ events and to lead Bible study.
13 (Sun.) U.S.
Praise the Lord for the way He opened doors for each portion of the filming of “Unexpected Peace.” Pray for the editors as they edit the project and for the additional funds that are needed. Pray for seeds that were planted during the filming process.
14 (Mon.) Wales, U.K.
Pray for young adults with a heart for community development to be called to participate in the Going Public internship in Wales.
15 (Tues.) Central Asia
Pray for Elam and Francesca* as they process the exploratory trip they took to Central Asia in October. Pray for God to continue to direct their decisions.
16 (Wed.) France
Pray for workers to join a developing team in Marseilles, France, to establish a witness and to reach out to the many immigrants in this city.
17 (Thur.) Germany
Pray for Eric and Janelle* as they work with an international church to build a Christ-centered community that equips disciples to extend the kingdom of God to their city in Germany and to the world. Pray also that their lives will be a witness to their neighbors.
18 (Fri.) Chile
Pray for Aaron and Katarina Miller as they serve on Tenglo Island. Ask God to deepen their relationships to allow for opportunities to share about Him.
19 (Sat.) Southeast Asia
Praise the Lord for a local government official who has been reconciled with God and with local believers. Pray that she will continue to have deep repentance and lasting transformation out of negative patterns. Pray for Steve Horst and Bethany Tobin as they continue to walk alongside believers.
20 (Sun.) Southeast Asia
Pray for a childcare/home school worker to serve alongside a family that is serving long-term with EMM.
21 (Mon.) Southeast Asia
Pray for Timothy and Madison* as they continue to live and serve alongside the team of the water filter businesses. Pray for relationships to deepen and that their lives will be a witness to Christ.
22 (Tues.) Southeast Asia
Please continue to ask God to provide an executive director for a transformational business in Southeast Asia.
23 (Wed.) Germany
Pray for Darrell and Miriam* in their involvement with various ministries in their church. Pray for Darrell in his role as a regional representative as he supports and encourages other EMM workers in West Europe.
24 (Thur.) U.S.
Pray for the interns of Hub 450. Ask God to expand their hearts and vision to see Him glorified in the nations.
25 (Fri.) Wales, U.K.
Pray for Alan and Carol Wert as they co-lead a Bible study. Pray that it will yield growth and learning and that the group can be a support and encouragement to each other. Pray for some of Carol’s English students who are asylum seekers with deep trauma, mental health issues, and loneliness.
26 (Sat.) U.S.
We thank God for our first MCC IVEP participant, Kezia! Please join us in prayer for her transition to a new culture, function in English, and adaptation to serving with Hub 450 and EMM Communications.
27 (Sun.) Cambodia
Pray for Kandace Glenn as she mentors and disciples young people and helps them grow in their relationship with Jesus. Pray for her physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
28 (Mon.) Peru
Pray for an individual to be called to teach English at Promesa Mennonite School in Cusco, Peru, and be part of the growing church community there.
29 (Tues.) U.S.
As we look back, we reflect that it has been two years since EMM moved from Salunga to Lancaster City, Pa. Give thanks to God for the many opportunities we have had to connect and serve in this new community.
30 (Wed.) U.S.
Pray that God would give us wisdom on how to expand what we do to mobilize more young people into missions.
*Name(s) changed or last name(s) omitted for sensitivity reasons.