Month: February 2022

It is not my work

It is not my work by Michael Clancy A long time ago, while I was still working as the aftercare supervisor for Jubilee Ministries, the Holy Spirit revealed to me

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Finding the truth seekers

Finding the truth seekers by Andre Provost Resting in bed at my daughter’s house, recuperating from my Urolift procedure, I decided to watch my favorite missionary film, Hudson Taylor. In

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President’s Desk

What I’m currently reading Rooting for rivals: How collaboration and generosity increase the impact of leaders, charities, and churches by Peter Greer, Chris Horst, and Jill Heisey Start with why:

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Advance (Young Adults)

Apply now for Advance!Deadline is July 31 ADVANCE (Young Adults) Serve nine months locally or globally Advance combines discipleship training and missional outreach. Advance Global Advance Global offers an opportunity

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